Lover of nature, color, art, life, adventure. Choosing to find beauty. I hope you can find inspiration and joy while you're here.



I just finished reading the book #Girlboss, by Sophia Amoruso and it was pretty great:

Though I usually lean more toward fiction, in the last two years, I've begun to enjoy reading more non-fiction and memoirs. I enjoy hearing about the way other people overcome challenges through hard work in order find success.

This book was full of empowering words and motivational lessons for women (although the lessons can apply to anyone, of course). Also, spoiler alert: I love it when the answer to "Where did your success come from?" is "my own hard work" and "not giving up."

There are some business and relationship nuggets that can be plucked from Sophia's story, for sure, but I had to get used to her take-no-prisoners language. I have a feeling that if we met in real life, though, that we could be great friends. Her writing voice is unique and engaging and humorous.

Have you read his book? Or I should probably start by asking: do you even like reading memoirs? Do tell!

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