Lover of nature, color, art, life, adventure. Choosing to find beauty. I hope you can find inspiration and joy while you're here.


Mount Rushmore, Y'all!

Mount Rushmore may not be the first place you think of when you picture an exciting vacation, but believe you me, it's pretty rad. Guys. We've been wanting to go to Mount Rushmore for about three years now, and we finally made it happen this fall! It was a pretty exciting trip for oh so many reasons: no 3-year-old kicking the back of our seats for the 11-hour drive, a new set of wheels to test out, the chance to drive through all four seasons in less than 12 hours...

...oh yeah, and that huge sculpture the size of a mountain...

...and the wildlife...

...and having my dreamguy all to myself for a whole weekend. Oh yeah.

It's way cool, guys, and I'm not just talking about the 7 inches of snow. It was so good we went back twice to bask in the art and 'merica. I think it helps to be accompanied by a history buff, which, lucky for me, I was.

We were both surprised at how small it looks from a distance, like a little scratch on the top of one hill in a whole line of hills. Have you been to Mt. Rushmore? If so, what were your impressions? If not, would you like to go there?

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